I recently posted a link to a
Raw Food protein powder that I use. I was having a hard time finding digestive balance, and even though I am on a very restricted diet, I was finding it difficult to shed the last of my pregnancy weight. In fact, I had bouts of gaining weight! In short, my body thought I was starving and it went into storage mode. I love the protein powder, I feel the benefits and I will keep using it, but although I felt better internally, I still didn't lose weight.
In desperation, I went on the hCG diet. It sounds like an insane diet, but after some investigating I found the science and the logic behind it. I weighed about 116 lbs before my pregnancy and I walked out of the hospital in the 140s. Four years later I was hovering around 130lbs. I am 5'4" and narrow-shouldered. I was a plump, juicy pear until about a month ago. I could easily lose 4 or 5 pounds with a strict diet and an insane amount of exercise, but then I would gain it back again and start over. Nothing worked. On hCG however, I am down to 120 lbs and no longer pear-shaped. The substance releases the stored "old" fat in your body to use as energy rather than keep in case of starvation or pregnancy. The 500 calorie intake sounds insane until you realize that your body is using stored calories too, so you actually have access to a normal amount of calories. I love this diet. Usually when I diet, I feel like death; I'm tired, I get sick easily, I don't have the energy to exercise, and I'm constantly craving forbidden foods. On this diet, I feel normal and I'm not starving. I have been able to get all of my tasks accomplished every day, I have not had any mood swings, and I have had a constant level of focus.
Why the talk about hCG, completely off topic of food allergies? I'm getting there. The HCG diet recommends drinking green tea to facilitate the cleanse. Green tea is known for its antioxidant properties, but I would rather drink something that is naturally caffeine free. I fix myself about six cups of tea a day, which would be way too much caffeine if that was all green tea.
Today, I switched to Rooibos tea. If you feel that you need some antioxidant support, Rooibos is has it without caffeine. It may help with skin problems, respiratory conditions, heart trouble, liver disease, diabetes, and immune support. It may be a good thing to add to your diet, to help balance your body's internal conflict. Take a look at this informative source,
"The Many Health Benefits of Rooibos Tea."
I buy bulk loose-leaf tea from
Davidson's on Amazon.com and one bag lasts a very, very long time. Because of my allergies to gluten, soy and peanuts, I gave up most processed foods and alcohol. My tastes have changed over the past few months and my understanding of what I should be putting into my body has grown. Natural is best. The closer you can get to the actual source of a food, the better. Food bars with 17 ingredients are not "natural" in my book. Larabars are natural. Sodas, chips, prepackaged meals and excessively flavored prepared foods dump chemicals and artificial additives into your system. You don't need and won't use those extra things, so why literally waste your energy processing that junk? We wouldn't use chicken soup to water our plants, even though the soup has water in it. Don't put unnecessary products into your body, and fight against the contaminants that do get in. Have a good antioxidant tea every day.