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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm Freezing

Jeesh! Does anyone else have this problem? I can hear the resounding "YES!" already. It's a simple fact that many Celiacs suffer from the unfortunate condition of feeling cold even when everyone around them is perfectly comfortable. Two people in my family have been wearing shorts all day - remember we live in Tucson - but I've got chills and goosebumps, wearing two shirts, jeans and socks in my 74 degree home office. The only thing I can do to warm up is to take a long, hot shower. We leave the heat off at night because everyone complains they swelter while they sleep. I however, wear full pajama sets to bed and hog the electric blanket.

Back to the doctor I go. My Celiac test came back negative, but we know I have a gluten allergy/sensitivity. Consuming any gluten, even less than the food product labeling "acceptable amount" of 20 ppm, has me doubled over within moments. Do I go in for further testing, knowing that feeling cold is a symptom of Celiac Disease? How much does it matter if I just assume that I can never have gluten again and live a gluten-free lifestyle? Am I at risk for further illness or complications if I don't have a biopsy?

I  my food allergies/sensitivities very seriously, primarily because I've got some of the big ones that are in almost everything: peanuts, soy, gluten, papaya. Papaya doesn't seem like a big deal, until you start reading labels for papain, papaya's enzyme. It shows up in protein powders, digestive aids, and many supplements and skin care products. I had a heck of a time finding a shower cream that didn't have oatmeal, soy or papain in it. I also have a nasty reaction to salicylic acid and all of its family, which narrows my options considerably. Everything I do, from showering, washing my face and applying body cream, through breakfast, lunch, dinner and all my snacks, is prefaced with label scrutiny and examining contents for contamination (like breadcrumbs in my butter, or peanut butter in the jelly.) We can't mix the family's mashed potatoes with mine, because they like to use (soy) Country Crock. We are diligent.

So, do I need a biopsy?

Well, yes and no. First I have some other things to test more easily. My other complaints coincide with symptoms of hypothyroidism and/or low iron anemia. If tests for those come back normal, then I will have to pursue further Celiac testing. It could be that Celiac disease is causing low iron absorption, or general malabsorption, and would explain feeling cold and tired all the time.

I am grateful to have a knowledgeable doctor, and an appointment with him in three days. I hope to walk out of there with an order for excessive blood work, and then maybe we will get to the bottom of this. Alternately, I can look forward to triple digit heat just a few months away!