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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Official allergy test results

I finally got my blood test results.  I'm thrilled to say that the Celiac test came back negative, and other results indicate that we're no longer worried about eosinophilic esophagitis.  I will remain gluten-free however, with the controversial diagnosis of gluten sensitive/intolerant.  I am also confirmed now to have an allergy to peanuts, soy, and papaya.  The other fruits are just oral allergies and not something my bloodstream is going address.

I can manage a gluten-free diet, but it would be very difficult to prevent cross-contamination in my house.  I still shouldn't share food, but I'm thrilled that I don't have to worry to the extent of banning Playdoh from the house.  My levels for the peanut allergy are in a range that I don't have to worry when making peanut butter sandwiches for my son, and for both peanuts and soy I don't have to exclude it all, but I should avoid them when I can.  Papaya, by my experience, is not very common ingredient.  I have only come across it in the form of facial peels and digestive enzyme supplements.

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