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Friday, September 9, 2011


Organic Garden of Life Raw Protein Powder 
One of the major problems when dealing with food allergies is how to balance your nutrition to maintain optimal health. Addressing my allergies cured my stomach pains and my lethargy, or so I thought.  I haven't been shy about my state of denial. Since I don't have anaphylactic allergies, I wasn't really avoiding all of my forbidden foods as much as I should. Well, I avoided gluten because the pain is not worth a slip up. Finally, I'm proud to say that I've had it with the stomach trouble associated with eating soy and I am being more diligent about avoiding it. Unfortunately, this means that I'm hardly eating anything at all, and therefore I don't have any energy, I cannot exercise, and I have ironically not lost any weight. I would like to lose a little weight.  Really, how long can you call it baby fat? Not for four years!

My husband found a protein powder for me that is soy, gluten and dairy free, and it's vegan. It's not just protein either! It also boasts "live probiotics and enzymes" and a slew of vitamins. At only 80 calories per serving, each serving provides 17 grams of protein. I mixed mine with plain almond milk today, and it was not bad. I mean that in the literal sense, it did not taste bad. It seems to me that it doesn't really have its own flavor, so you have to give it some flavor in the mixing process. I added 1/2 banana and then it was delicious. I'm going to try it with vanilla flavored almond milk to see if I can omit the banana (one of my oral allergy foods).

Today is "day one" of supplementing my diet. I hope to have more energy and feel generally healthy, and I would LOVE to balance my system so that I can drop a few pounds. Check out Raw Protein by Garden of Life.  Read the reviews, look at the ingredients. It may be something that you could add to your diet too.

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