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Monday, May 5, 2014

Simple Awareness

In 1991 I began complaining of having something stuck in my throat. In 2001 I began complaining of stomach pains. In 2011 I became lethargic and I was constantly cold. In 2012 everything I ate hurt. It either hurt my mouth or my stomach, or both. By hurt, I mean felt like skin-searing acid. If my specialist would have known more about food allergies in 1991, I could have skipped 21 years of pain, suffering, medication, blood tests, and scans. I could have changed my diet. That's all I had to do. Please don't always require your child to eat something if they're complaining about it. Our bodies have built-in defense mechanisms, such as aversions to certain foods, food groups, and food textures. At the bottom of THIS PAGE is a list of ways a child might describe the sensation of an allergic reaction.

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